At our October 21, 2010 monthly meeting Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich was our guest. He said he was told to get ready for the legalization of marijuana. In Friday's (02.11.2011) Spokesman Review there was an editorial about this very subject. It states that there is a voter initiative and a couple of bills in the works for this year. Their aim is to legalize pot in some form or fashion. And the editorial calls on the US Congress to modernize federal laws and 'clear the air' about marijuana prescriptions, 13 years after Washington State voters endorsed it's use for 'quelling nausea and stimulating hunger in chemotherapy and AIDS patients and lowering eye pressure in glaucoma patients'. What are your thoughts? The poll will be up till next Sunday morning.
Note: The Greater Morgan Acres Neighborhood Association does not endorse either side of this issue, nor has it ever been discussed except during the October 21st meeting.