Sunday, March 20, 2011

POLL #6: A New Jail

I had to think on this question for a couple days. In Friday's Spokesman Review there was an article about the new jail Spokane County would like to build. At a meeting held in Medical Lake nobody was in favor of rezoning enough land for the new jail. If built, it will need 40 acres. I wondered about why they couldn't locate it near our area since we have a lot of land zoned light industrial already. Plus, once the freeway is completed there will be quick access to it from most parts of the county, city, and valley. And it will bring better paying jobs to our area. Would this be such a bad thing?

On the flip side, yes there will be more traffic. More police vehicles coming and going from the jail, as well as inmate representatives and family maybe. And simply the idea of inmates being warehoused in our neck of the woods might seem a little unsettling to some. What are your thoughts? Do the poll and sound off in the comments section of this post. The Greater Morgan Acres Neighborhood Association has never discussed this topic and has no opinion, for or against.

1 comment:

  1. We don't need a new jail. Pack them in like sardines and they won't come back! County and state make it to easy on these losers. I worked for Doc. prison is like a summer camp for these clowns.... Ben K.


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